10 Most Liked Architecture 十築香港

Thank you for your votes in "My 10 Most LIKED Hong Kong Architecture of the Century" public voting, the top 10 result has been announced at the Award Presentation-cum-Opening Ceremony of Exhibition on 20 March 2015, Garden Court Pacific Place. Here are the 10 winning entries (in order of their voting numbers), congratulations!

感謝你的投票和參予! 「十築香港-我最愛的·香港百年建築」結果已於 2015年3月20日於金鐘太古廣場 Garden Court 頒獎暨展覽開幕禮上公佈,獲市民投出「我最愛的」十項百年建築如下(以投票項目號碼排序),恭喜以下得主!

#11 - Kowloon Walled City 九龍城寨
1847, Vernacular
#21 - Peak Tram System  山頂纜車
1888, Streetscapes
#30 - Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier (1904), The Five Flagpoles & Central Star Ferry Pier (1958) 尖沙咀天星碼頭、五支旗桿、中環天星碼頭
1904, Streetscapes
#33 - The Former Kowloon–Canton Railway Terminus (1910) & Clock Tower (1916) 舊尖沙咀火車總站 (1910)、尖沙咀鐘樓 (1916)
1910, Streetscapes
#36 - Main Building, The University of Hong Kong 香港大學本部大樓
1912, Institutional
#53 - Lui Seng Chun 雷生春
1931, Vernacular
#64 - Tai O Stilt Houses 大澳棚屋
1940, Vernacular
#85 - Ocean Park 海洋公園
1977, Streetscapes
#88 - Chi Lin Nunnery 志蓮淨苑
1990, Religious
#91 - Hong Kong International Airport 香港國際機場
1998, Streetscapes