The Former Kowloon–Canton Railway Terminus (1910) & Clock Tower (1916)
舊尖沙咀火車總站 (1910)、尖沙咀鐘樓 (1916)
1910, Streetscapes, Landscapes & Infrastructural Facilities 街貌、景觀及基礎建設
Waterfront of Tsim Sha Tsui
Railway plays an important role in a city’s development across the globe. At the turn of 20th century, a plan was introduced by the British to connect Hong Kong with Guangzhou with a railway to secure Hong Kong’s unique position as the entrepot of Southern China. The terminus of the railway was built in Tsim Sha Tsui by A.B. Hubback, a British architect of the Malaysian Government. The construction of this two-storey building was completed in 1916. The structure was mainly built with red bricks and granite with main façade facing west connecting the roundabout and Star Ferry Pier. The building was symmetrical with central axis running through the main platform. There were ticketing counter, waiting room, platform and control room on the ground floor and a support office on its first floor. In the southwest of the terminus, a 44-meter clock tower was hoisted, this tower is the only remaining witness of the old days after the terminus was demolished in 1978.
在世界不同城市的鐵路系統,都扮演着重要的角色。英國在二十世紀初,計劃利用鐵路,把香港連繫廣州,以保障香港作為南中國轉口港的地位。火車總站設在尖沙咀,是英藉馬來亞政府建築師 (A.B. Hubback)的作品。竣工於1916年的兩層高大樓,採用紅磚和花崗石為主要建材,正立面向西,與汽車迴旋處及天星小輪連接。大樓整體是左右對稱,中軸線與主月台貫通。地下設售票處、候車室、月台和控制室等,而支援的辦公室在一樓。總站的西南方,建44米高鐘樓,是總站在1978年拆毀後現存的唯一見証。
文:李培基 (香港註冊建築師)