Flagstaff House / Museum of Tea Ware
旗桿屋 / 茶具文物館

1846, Institutional 機構建築

10 Cotton Tree Drive (Inside Hong Kong Park)
香港中環紅棉路10號 (香港公園內)

Located at Hong Kong Park, the Former Residence of the Commander of the British Forces in Hong Kong (also named as Flagstaff House) is the oldest remaining colonial architecture in the territory. During the early colonial days, the British Forces established Victoria Barracks on a mountain in Admiralty. Among numerous military buildings, the most important and earliest one is Flagstaff House, built for Major-General George Charles D'Aguilar in1846. The building is said to be designed either by Murdoch Bruce, the building inspector of barracks, or by Royal Engineer Lieutenant Bernard Collinson. Three sides of Flagstaff House are surrounded by verandahs with timber shutters, which reflect western architecture with adaptation to local climate, forming Colonial architecture. While Victoria Barracks was transformed into Hong Kong Park in the 1970s, the Flagstaff House was converted into Museum of Tea Ware as a spot for the public.

位於香港公園內的舊三軍司令官邸(也稱旗杆屋),是本港現存歷史最悠久的殖民地建築。在殖民地成立初期,英軍於金鐘山上建立域多利軍營, 在眾多軍事建築中, 最重要及最早期的正這座于一八四六年為德己立少將而建的旗杆屋,估計是當時軍營的建築監督布司(Bruce) 或皇家工程師高靈臣(Collinson) 所設計。建築主體三面被遊廊連遮陽的話木格柵包圍,是西式建築為適應本地氣候而作出的調整,反映殖民地特色。經過百年滄桑,域多利軍營早已於上世紀七十年代改為香港公園供市民休戲;旗杆屋也變身為茶具文物館供市民參觀。

文及攝影:洪彬芬 (香港註冊建築師)