Central Market

1939, Streetscapes, Landscapes & Infrastructural Facilities 街貌、景觀及基礎建設

80 Des Voeux Road
香港德輔道中 80 號

The old Central Market completed in 1939 was its second generation built on the original site. The market is embraced by Des Voeux Road Central, Queen Victoria Street, Queen's Road Central and Jubilee Street. The four-storey building housed the market stalls on the three lower levels while the top level was used as office and staff dormitory. Central Market is a rectangular structure built in reinforced concrete. There are two central courtyards with main entrances at two sides, each paired with a terrazzo grand staircase. Horizontal canopies were built on the exterior walls, coupled with horizontal iron windows and round edges. Combining the architecture styles of Bauhaus and Streamlined Moderne, the building with ceramic tiles exterior was constructed by the then Public Works Department. Central Market became vacant after 2003. It will be revitalised into a “Central Oasis” to offer open space for the public. The market was declared a Grade 3 historic building.

舊中環街市於1939年落成,是在原址重建的第二代街市。它被德輔道中、域多利皇后街、皇后大道中及租庇利街環繞。樓高四層,下面三層是街市,頂層是辦公室及宿舍。呈長方型,鋼筋混凝土結構。中間有兩個中庭,兩邊主入口旁均有一條水磨石大樓梯。外立面有橫向簷篷,配以橫向鐵窗和圓角。呈包浩斯(B auhaus)及少許現代流線(Stream lined M oderne) 建築風格,瓷磚外牆,建築師為工務局。2003年後開始空置,將被活化為「城中綠洲」,提供公共空間給大眾。歷史建築評級為三級。

文及攝影:林中偉 (香港註冊建築師)