Blue House (1922-25)
1922, Vernacular 民間建築及屋邨
72 Stone Nullah Lane
Completed in 1922, Blue House is a typical tenement house (also known as Tong Lau) with brick walls, wooden windows and staircase, with balconies surrounded by wrought iron fencing facing the streets. The once ordinary building is now one of the few remaining tenement houses in the city, greeting looker-on with its distinctive blue wall paint, which was originally unused paint from Water Supplies Department in the 90s.
Blue House is a gem not only because of its architectural features, but more so the stories and livelihood of people it touched and housed. Lin Chun Hin Clinic, Kang Ham Free School, Yat Chong College and Len Hing Chinese Wine Shop were integral parts of the community at Stone Nullah Lane. In 2012, Blue House was revitalised into a center showcasing cultural stories of the past. As a project that accommodates revitalisation and live-in residents concurrently, Blue House could be setting a new benchmark for our city’s revitalisation.
文:王樂賢 (香港註冊建築師)
攝影:洪彬芬 (香港註冊建築師)