Former French Mission Building (The Court of Final Appeal)
前法國傳道會大樓 (終審法院)
1917, Government 政府建築
Architect: 利安顧問有限公司 (Leigh & Orange Ltd.)
The Former French Mission Building is a signature building in red bricks sits on Battery Path, where the former Johnston House was built in 1843 as the residence of the first two Governors of Hong Kong. Three years later, after several changes in its ownership, Paris Foreign Missions Society acquired the building and commissioned Leigh & Orange Ltd. for the conversion, to turn the site into a neo-classical architecture as its headquarter. The construction was completed in 1917. In 1953, the building was bought by the Government and occupied successively by different departments, including its current occupant, the Court of Final Appeal. Although function of the building has changed, its structure and architectural features has remained the same for decades. The dome in the north-west corner continues to oversee Battery Path, while waiting for its new owner next year after the Court of Final Appeal moves out.
坐落於中環炮台里的前法國外方傳道會大樓,前身是建於一八四三年的莊士敦樓,為首兩任港督砵甸乍和戴維斯的居所,可謂第一代港督府。一八四六年後大樓曾多次易手,輾轉至法國巴黎外方傳教會手上。教會聘請利安顧問有限公司 (Leigh & Orange Ltd.)設計,於原建築的地基上建造一座以花崗石和紅磚蓋成的新古典風格建築,作為教會的行政總部,工程於一九一七年完成。一九五三年政府回購大樓後,先後用作各政府部隊及現在的終審法院。盡管大樓不斷被配上新用途,它的原貌仍保存至今,北隅上的圓拱頂仍安立於炮台里高崗上笑看風雲,處之泰然地迎接明年終審法院搬走後的新主人。
文及攝影:洪彬芬 (香港註冊建築師)