Kam Tong Hall (Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum)
甘棠第 (孫中山紀念館)
1914, Vernacular 民間建築及屋邨
7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels
In the early 20th century, the mid-levels was a residential area with two-storey and three-storey western buildings constructed along the roads. Following the increase in population and city development, Kam Tong Hall on Castle Road became one of the very few remaining Chinese mansions built in that era. Standing out as a classic construction in British Edwardian style, Kam Tong Hall is not only unique with its architectural features but also its image as a portrait of the lives of rich Chinese merchants at that time. In 2004, the owner intended to redevelop the site of Kam Tong Hall into a religious and education centre, which received strong opposition from its stakeholders. Fortunately, after negotiations with different parties, for the first time the government purchased the site and revitalise it into Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum. One has to visit the site personally to experience this historic site saved by this ground-breaking decision made by the government.
二十世紀初,半山是住宅區,道路兩旁興建了二、三層高的西式建築物,富有地區色彩。隨着人口的增加和城市的發展 ,位於衛城道的甘棠第,是同年代中碩果僅存的華人府第。除了英皇愛德華時期的古典設計款式,它獨特的地方,就是反映當年華人富商的生活點滴。2004年,業主打算在原址重新發展,籌建一幢集宗教與教育的中心,有關人士強烈反對,幸好經多方協商後,政府斥資購入並將它改建成孫中山博物館。若要檢視這個沒有先例的決定,非親自去參觀不可。
文:李培基 (香港註冊建築師)