Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda and Ping Shan Heritage Compound
1486, Vernacular 民間建築及屋邨
In Ming Dynasty, Ping Shan Tang Clan built Tsui Sing Lau at a river mouth with green bricks and granites as a feng shui pagoda, to ward off evil spirit from the north. Tsui Sing Lau is believed to have had a total of seven floors; upper four floors were believed to be destroyed by wind and only three floors are left now. Tsui Sing Lau is the only remaining ancient pagoda in Hong Kong.
In the 12th century, Tang Clan migrated from Kam Tin to Ping Shan and built Tang ancestral hall of “three chambers with two courtyards”, surrounded by “three Wais (walled villages) and six Tsuens (villages)”. After the completion of Tsui Sing Lau, Tang Clan grew bigger and stronger. They built a couple of two-chamber buildings for teaching and worshipping purposes, such as Kun Ting Study Hall, Shut Hing Study Hall and Hung Shing Temple. Today, the ancient pagoda is no longer towering high; imperial examination has become history. However we are still able to have a glimpse of the traditional landscape and life of the clans in New Territory through Ping Shan Heritage Trail.
攝影:吳日輝 (香港建築文物保護師學會會員)