The Bethanie
1875, Religious 宗教建築
139 Pok Fu Lam Road
Architect: 奧塞神父 Fr. Osouf
The Bethanie in Pok Fu Lam was built in 1875 by the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris. Comprising a chapel, a sanatorium and a servant wing, the place was designed by Fr. Osouf with the assistance of Fr. Patriat. It served as a sanatorium for unwell missionaries in the Asia to recover. The building is of Neo-Gothic style amidst the chapel’s Latin cross layout, flying buttresses, steeples, arched colonnades, white verandahs and tracery parapets on facades. Visitors are often enchanted by the sunlight beamed across the chapel through the stained glass under the vaults. The Bethanie later became part of the campus of the University of Hong Kong and is now home to Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Regardless of the changes in its function, the site remains to be a magnificent architecture that brings tranquility to teachers, students and visitors.
建於1875的薄扶林伯大尼修院,原屬法國外方傳道會。這座由小教堂、療養院和僱工區三部分組成、讓在遠東地區患病傳教士休養的地方,是由奧塞神父(Fr. Osouf)自任建築師設計、並在白德禮神父(Fr. Patriat)協助下進行工程。即使那十字佈局的小教堂、立面上的飛扶壁、尖塔、尖拱外廊、通花女兒牆盡皆被塗上純白色,也蓋不過新歌德式建築的精巧。透過彩玻璃散落拱頂下小教堂內的陽光,更教人看得心醉。盡管其後變身為香港大學及現在演藝學院的校舍,它仍一如以往地帶給師生和途人一份難得的平靜。
文:洪彬芬 (香港註冊建築師)
攝影:高永康 (香港建築文物保護師學會會員)